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Rami Kadi Couture SS '20 launted in a cyber show
Rami Kadi’s newest collection contemplates the possibilities of restoring harmony in the world through waves of good energy. Rami Kadi’s Couture SS 2020 comes at a point in time where world events are accelerating, and where climate change is relentless is in its pace and effects. The question becomes: is it still possible to reconcile the true with the beautiful?

“The beautiful does not need embellishment, nor does it need filters. The beautiful is free-standing, and it is one and the same with reality. This is why only transparency is worthy of the beautiful. My quest is enhancing the beauty of what is real through transparency.”

This is why layering plays such a pivotal role in this collection. We are made to witness as modules, units, textures, and patterns interweave in a dizzying array of elements. In Tantra, when chakras are aligned, we get to ultimate bliss, and in this vein, Couture SS 2020 is a quest for the alignment of the chakras through hues, materials, and shapes.

The designs are rife with magical stones, iridescent, and fine embroidery; the collection is a modern textural symphony that plays on the light in myriads of ways. Sparkly reflections give a dreamy feel to the collection.

Light and reflections of light are characters in and of themselves. A key theme here is good energy, and this is alluded to through the Indian Mandala, which the collection features both in deconstructed form and in full. This motif provides the collection with unprecedented visual richness, and its deconstructed instances are intriguing in their visual complexity.

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